
This is the Mango House office of Doctor P.J! Parmar.
We serve refugees, asylees, and undocumented. We  take no shadowers, interns, volunteers, or donations.

10180 E Colfax Ave Aurora, CO 80010.

Park on south side of building and enter south side.

Medical 303-900-8639 open 8-7 M-F, 9-3 Sat and Sun. Walk in, no appointments.

720-819-7194 open 10-6 M-F, 10-3 Sat and Sun. Call for appointments

303-900-8639 open 9-6 M-F, 9-3 Sat.

720-204-5534 for medical, dental, and pharmacy.

Owe us money? Click "donate". Also email us, because this system doesn't alert us otherwise. We aren't 501c3.


We see ~25k visits/year; ~200k since opening in 2012. ~80% Medicaid or CHP, 17% uninsured, and a few private insurance. We give about 17k shots per year (avg 50/d), 40% of which are VFC.

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